Aspiring Mechatronics Engineer / Robotics Enthusiast
PROJECTS (Personal)
Arduino-PS2 RC RWD Racing/Drifting Car
[ Control Framework ]
PS2 Remote Controlled
NRF24L01+ Radio Transceivers
Arduino Mega (Transmitter)
Arduino UNO (Receiver)
[ Subsystems ]
PS2 Controller
Tree Menu
OLED Display​
16x2 LCD Display
128x64 LCD Display
3.5" TFT LCD Display
Speed Threshold (Drive, Reverse)
Steering Angle (Servo Motor <-> Drive Motor)
NRF24L01+ Transceivers
Bi-Directional Communication
Speed Adjustment​​
Arduino Balancing Robot
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Arduino-PS2 RC 6WD Skid Steering Exploration Vehicle
This is your Project description. Whether your work is based on text, images, videos or a different medium, providing a brief summary will help visitors understand the context and background. Then use the media section to showcase your project!